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Our coffee beans are 100% authentic Kona beans freshly picked and processed at our farm located in the slopes of Mauna Lona.

100% Kona Beans

Winner of Hawaii Coffee Association Award (2009-2023). Received the certificate of excellence in statewide competition.

Award Winner

From picking to roasting, our coffee beans are 100% locally sourced and processed at our farm going through a rigorous quality check.

Locally Sourced

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Cherry Hill Estates is located in Captain Cook, Hawaii at the 2400 foot elevation. Our 30 acre farm is located in an area known for abundant rain and deep, rich soil.

Cherry Hill Estate is dedicated to preserving the environment. Our green farm uses only fresh rainwater on our trees; no chlorinated water. Additionally, our processing equipment is hydro efficient, using little precious water. Finally, our solar powered farm is dedicated to leaving a green carbon foot print.

Explore our farm 

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From our farm to your doorstep, have your favorite coffee beans automatically delivered and enjoy the taste of Kona each month!

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